A section for those who want to support the state grants portion of LWCF and are actively engaged in advocacy or assisting in securing matching funds for state and local projects.

LWCF Guide

Attached is a guide for Advocates to use to support the LWCF.  It was prepared by the LWCF Coalition… This has the majority of focus on the federal side of the program, but the information is valuable.  Stateside advocates using this should edit where necessary to focus on the values and benefits to local communities of the state […]

8-1-11: New Poll Shows Overwhelming Bipartisan Support for LWCF

A new bipartisan poll released today by the LWCF Coalition shows that an overwhelming 85% of Americans support full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)—the nation’s primary tool since 1965 to provide outdoor recreation and conserve land for parks, wildlife refuges, forests, rivers, trails, historic and cultural sites. By similar margins, the poll […]

NPS State Project Pages

The National Park Service is in the process of creating comprehensive data on all projects and activities supported by NPS with each of the states.  They have implemented the website at  http://www.nps.gov/(stateinitials) where you use the state abbreviation in the address to get your state data..  [ For example.  www.nps.gov/mo will take you to the data for the state of Missouri […]

LWCF Allocations 1965 – 2010

The attached chart shows the LWCF appropriations, including those for State Assistance and for the federal side of the program from it’s beginning in 1965 to the present.   LWCF Appropriations History 7-12-10

Benefits, benefits, benefits

To be an advocate for parks.. one must know, remember and articulate the benefits derived from the out of doors.  Go to www.naspd.org and scroll down the listings under the home icon, you will find a site with a listing of key benefits, along with other links to benefit studies and research, including extensive listing […]

The Work to Be Done… Advocacy

In this article from the May 2011 NRPA Magazine, Phillip Ginsburg, General Manager of the San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department, makes key points that not making investments in parks is a big mistake.  He cites key benefits of parks, including parks ability to attract businesses, parks create jobs, parks positively impact property values and increase the […]

Graph of Historical Allocations of LWCF

This graph shows how the state share of the LWCF has diminished over the years.. and the recent diversion of the fund for Section 6 and Forest Legacy uses… ( federal diversions )

LWCF Information on Distribution and Equity by State

This attachment shows data concerning the state assistance program of the LWCF over the years and indicates what equity in FY 2010 would have meant to each state.  A summary document provided by NRPA.  http://nrpa.informz.net/nrpa/data/images/lwcf_funding.pdf