Summit Proceedings and Recommendations

Attached is the final report on the proceedings from the NASORLO LWCF Summit in Denver this spring.


  • Keep stakeholders accountable by issuing joint statement to members of both organizations and key members of Congress that publicly states the outcome of the summit and that the LWCF Coalition and NASORLO are committed to working towards a successful authorization – together.
  • Continue to communicate and negotiate in a small group with the LCWF Coalition. Make sure that the right people, both in temperament and stature are at the table.   Hire an outside facilitator that implements ground rules for the negotiation. As part of the negotiation on message, the stakeholders must agree on the numbers. For example, the LWCF Coalition includes the Forest Legacy in the stateside dollars which bumps up the total amount states receive from the LWCF.  The states do not include Forest Legacy dollars in their calculations. If agreement is reached, stakeholders must agree to the message and the data when talking to friends and foes alike.
  • Consider hiring someone to manage the LWCF reauthorization partnership efforts who have relationships with all the stakeholder groups, but also is familiar with members of Congress and the process.
  • Continue to cultivate the relationship with the City Parks Alliance and urban park directors.
  • Deploy nationwide public engagement strategy ASAP. This can be done cost effectively and efficiently by using the right tools and by asking the right questions.

Final Summary May 20